“… Nerina, whose energy, rigour and dedication illuminate the teaching style.
Within a few months…Not only the basics of Italian , but also many subtleties and
, even more important, the logic behind them so to further accelerate my learning
curve. …Certainly an outstanding teacher. “
L.H. Vice President Specialty Care – ASTRAZENECA
…” Her method of teaching absolutely professional. … An excellent teacher … Patient,
creative, fun to work with and she customizes the program on the grasping ability of
the student. “
S.B. – H.C.Starck (BAYER)
“Unique approach for memorizing in simple ways the language rules,
based on her own findings accumulated over the years. After 1,5 year, good level of confidence
in: public speeches, meeting with customers, interviews with journalists, social encounters.”
G.P. President and CEO – SONY
“… The right mix between grammar and conversation, so the lessons are interesting.
… Indeed professional and conscientious in her work. Her pleasant nature makes
learning Italian with her very enjoyable.”
T.H. European Category Manager – Reckitt & Colman (oggi RECKITT & BENCKISER)
” ..Excellent teacher, easy to talk with, which makes conversation fun and interesting…Very
dedicated to her work and takes pride in her students’ progress…Teaching is her vocation …Extra
time she puts into developing stimulating exercises…”
J.K. Vice President – CITIBANK
“Nerina makes it really fun to study Italian and I laugh a lot at Casa Italia….
A very inspiring way of teaching …She opens up new creative doors in your
mind to enable faster learning…”
P.A.L. Head of Marketing – SONYERICSSON
” Unlike other schools, she conducts a user friendly and rather intriguing session
.. I consider Nerina more an artist , rather than some boring professor.. An excellent
sense of humour… Patient, understanding, kind and just a true human being that
loves teaching with a passion, obviously portrayed by the gleam in her eyes…”
S.H. – ISAAS Country Director Italy (ERNST & YOUNG)
“..An excellent and professional teacher, her method is extremely valuable and based
on her long experience…… Tailor made approach”
P.B. President and CEO – AUCHAN Retail
“…Teaching both my wife and I… Her method of teaching is very professional, building up
useful phrases and conversations on a sound grammatical structure…. Lessons are enjoyable
as well as effective … Very flexible in terms of timing and location…”
J.J. Vice President – CITIBANK
“…Very logical method of teaching, I’m very surprised to see how easy it can
become to learn a language, once you have a clear picture of the main rules…”
A.M. Global Account Manager – DOW
” Nerina did a great job, enabling me to work in Italian rapidly. It is a real
pleasure to learn with N., for whom teaching is a passion…a very dynamic
and pleasant approach. “
S.K. Partner – ERNST & YOUNG
“…Desidero ringraziare vivamente Lei, e per Suo tramite i Docenti ed il personale di Casa Italia,
per l’eccellente risultato dei corsi intensivi di italiano da Voi impartiti agli studenti stranieri del
nostro Master. “
Prof. P.Ichino – UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO – Master Europeo in Scienze del Lavoro
“..I corsi particolarmente interessanti, grazie all’entusiasmo per la propria lingua, al suo
costante buonumore e alla tenacità di fronte alla procrastinazione (talvolta) dei suoi allievi.”
“… patience, professionalism and perseverance…”
“… Now, six months later, I’m able to speak and communicate in Italian… I’m very happy with
my progress… Nerina S.V., the director of Casa Italia, has developed pedagogical tools easy to
understand and easy to remember.. “
“… she can explain the difference between Italian and other languages… she’s good at explaining grammar in a logical and practical way … a good communicator .. an enthusiastic and empathic approachthat helps students a lot, under the psychological point of view”.
Takayuki Suzuki – Country Head – SONY EUROPE B.V.
” … serietà, professionalità e disponibilità, oltre ad un’incredibile carica di energia e simpatia”
Marcella Cerchioni – HR Manager – EMMI GROUP
“… to thank Nerina, my amazing teacher, for all the important support she has provided me and my wife .. only counting on her innovative and customized methodology, her patience and her beautiful smile, I could run all my meetings in Italian only 2 months after my arrival… Well done, Nerina!!!”
Frederico da Silva – Vice President and General Manager – GILEAD SCIENCES